Thyrotropin T3
T3-Thyrotropin Highlights:
-Stack With Current Fat Burner to Accelerate Fat Loss
-May Help Increase Fat Loss by 65%
-Proven Ingredients Backed by Clinical Studies
-May Support Fat Loss From Hips, Thighs, and Abdominals

Thyrotropin T3
Are you struggling with hard to lose fat around the hips and thighs? Are you taking fat burners, eating right, exercising, and not seeing results?
If so then it’s time to take your fat loss to another level with the addition of T3/Thyrotropin. For years men and women have used normal fat loss products that increased metabolism via thermogenesis and appetite suppression. Most of these, like our XP2G products, work decently.
But, there are ways to speed things up... specifically by using some of the unique compounds in T3-Thyrotropin. This product was designed to be used in combination with the fat burner of your choice, although XP2G seems to work best.
Essentially Thyrotropin works by supporting the rate at which the thyroid gland burns calories. The thyroid gland, also known as the metabolic furnace, controls not only hormones but also the number of calories burned. When stimulated it may increase the metabolic rate by an additional 50-60%.
The ingredients in Thyrotropin are very unique and very powerful when used correctly. T3 has several different ingredients that are designed to help accelerate Thyroid Output and Health.
-3,5 Diiodo L Thyronine is a powerful thyroid compound that has been clinically proven to increase caloric expenditure and burn fat. 3,5 has several studies validating it’s fat loss potential and it has also been shown to be extremely safe thereby not affecting thyroid health.
-6 Paradol- This is a newer compound which works in a few different ways. First it may help increase metabolic rate by over 40% (compared to those who don't use it.) No stimulation effects just an increased metabolic rate. It may also help suppress appetite so that you are less likely to overindulge.
-Alpha Yohimbine HCl- This compound has been shown to support the mobilization of the brown sticky fat that tends to be stored in the midsection and thigh areas. This type of fat has something called an "alpha 2 receptor" on the surface which keeps it from being mobilized. It basically protects the fat. The Alpha Yohimbine acts as a "blocker" to the Alpha 2 Receptor which thereby allows for the fat to be used for energy.
-Achyranthes Aspera- This compound may also work to suppress appetite by working on the Vagus Nerve. This nerve controls the feeling of "fullness." It makes a person feel full even when they are dieting.
- Olive Leaf Extract - This was thrown in for good measure as an anti-inflammatory and as another "Fat Mobilizer.” This adds more power to an already powerful product.
Thyrotropin is a “Must Add” stacker to your current fat loss product or fat loss program. It can also be used as a stand-alone fat burner for those who may be sensitive to stimulants or who need a break for the traditional fat loss supplement.