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Aaron Garza

My “Secret Cocktail” - A Game Changer!

My “Secret Cocktail” - A Game Changer!

Hey Guys, 

I’m sure you’re already going hard at your 2025 “New You” transformation goals, right?

No? 😐


Well don’t get to stressed about it, most people don’t really start their programs until the end of January! (That’s an actual fact!)


The point is to get started no matter what! Get started eating right, working out, and doing the best you can to improve yourself! 🏃


And… when you do get started there is 1 thing you can do to help drastically improve your results and get the most from your efforts. Heck, it’s the one thing I’ve been doing for almost 25 years, and it’s one of the cornerstones of my program. 👍


It’s my “Post Workout Cocktail” and if you use it regularly you will notice:


  • Faster Recovery
  • Less Soreness
  • Fuller and Tighter Muscle Tissue
  • Superhuman Immunity
  • Accelerated Fat Loss


You see… after working out your body is like a sponge ready to “Soak Up” all the nutrients necessary for recovery, repair and growth.


But… it’s almost impossible to get everything you need from food alone so I created this “Super Cocktail”that I use within 15 minutes of completing my workout!  💪


Here’s what’s in it:


Isofactor Whey Isolate – Extremely Fast Acting and Absorbable Whey Isolate Protein!

This is necessary to build and repair muscle tissue. (Men use 50gr and Women 25)



Glutavol: Pure L-Glutamine, use 5 grams or 1 scoop to help accelerate recovery and gut health. Glutamine expedites recovery and keeps your gut healthy.



“Creaload” Creatine Monohydrate: Use 5 grams or 1 scoop to aid in muscle repair, strength and natural energy. The benefits of Creatine are well documented and it’s probably the most beneficial supplement of all time.



HypoDex – This is a highly absorbable carbohydrate that replenishes glycogen and helps kickstart the repair process. Its quickly digested and won’t convert to bodyfat. (Men use 50gr and Women 25gr)



Super Foods +: Add 1 scoop to help ensure you get all the micronutrients and Phyto Nutrients necessary for immunity and health. This is great for digestive health, regularity and overall wellness.



Essentially, I mix all the above into a shaker bottle, add cold water… shake up and drink as I’m leaving the gym. It’s without a doubt the one thing I’ve been consistent about over the last 20 years because it works! 👍


Pro Tip: If you want to add some complex carbs for recovery simply add 1-2 packets of quaker oats instant oatmeal to the blend. They taste great and help increase carbohydrate intake post-workout. This is when carbs are necessary for replenishing energy stores.


Try this out and let me know how it works for you!


Remember, if you get your post workout nutrition right, you’ll put on muscle faster, increase recovery and enhance your training efforts!


Need help finding the right product to help you reach your goals in 2025? 


Contact us Below! ⤵️


Contact Us:

Call: 1-800-632-1402


Text: 210-931-3255


In Strength and Health,

Aaron I. Garza