4 Phase Inferno Fat Loss System
The 4 Phase Inferno Fat Loss System May Support:
• Elevated Metabolism
• Enhanced Fat Loss
• Appetite Control
• Lean Muscle Hardness
• Body Recomposition

4 Phase Inferno Fat Loss System
This system combines years of research and development into 4 extremely powerful products that may help strip fat, tighten, tone, and help change the look of your body.
If your goal is to turn heads, make your ex jealous, or finally get into clothes that “Used to Fit,” then look no further. It’s about to happen.
This stack starts with one of our core XP2G products, XP2G “Inferno.”
Our XP2G lineup has been melting fat for over 10 years and our newest sibling in this lineup is no different. Designed to take your fat/weight loss to an entirely new level, XP Inferno quickly goes to work to help elevate your metabolic rate and heighten caloric expenditure.
Energy, Fat Loss, and Metabolic support all start with XP2G “Inferno.”
Next we bring in a staple in our fat loss combinations (T3, Thyrotropin). T3 is a thyroid support supplement that may help ensure the Thyroid Gland is healthy and functioning at a level that supports consistent and rapid fat loss.
Adding T3 usually takes people across the “Plateau” that some experience when they start a diet or exercise program. T3 may make it possible to “Jump Start” fat loss and help you see results faster.
CLA has also been added to this stack because of its ability to help support fat loss. It has a firm Science Based history of helping aid in visceral fat loss from areas around the stomach.
This ability to burn fat from “Targeted Areas,” has been noted by scientist and fitness models for years. CLA is a tried-and-true fat loss aid.
Lastly, to help improve the quality of your physique, we’ve added Primovar. This unique compound, which was heavily studied and used by the former Soviet Union, is completely natural and may help a user’s body look leaner, tighter, and more toned.
If you’re lifting weights and want a sexy, lean, and hard physique then Primovar makes for an ideal enhancement product. It’s ability to help the body utilize protein for building lean muscle tissue may help create a tight and fit look.
This stack can completely “Re-Design” your body when used in conjunction with a well-rounded nutrition and workout program.
If you’re ready for a drastic change and are prepared to do the work, then let “The 4 Phase Inferno Fat Loss System” support your efforts.