A Secret I’ve Held for Quite Some Time - Video Below
June 22, 2023 | Aaron Garza
ou know that nasty fat around your hips, abs, and thighs? 🤚
The stuff that won’t come off no matter what you do? I call it “Sticky Fat” and it literally“CLINGS” to STUBBORN AREAS around your body and won’t go-away!
It Clings To:
- Love Handles
- Hips and Thighs
- Backsides of Your Arms
- The Midsection
I’ve been in the Fat Loss and Muscle Growth game for quite some time, and I decided to make a little video with a “Back Story” about how I was able to keep “Sticky Fat” off over the last 15 years! 🤔
The Trick is in the Video Below, watch it all to find out how you can incorporate it into your fat loss program. 😉
Let me know what you think about the video and be sure to Like and Subscribe to our YouTubeChannel. We are always shooting video and putting up informative content to help you reach your goals faster!
Oh, and I forgot to mention, Use Promo Code:SHRED15 for 15% Off the two items I mention in the video. 💥 💥
Here they are just in case….
Email: info@thepureline.com
Call: 1-800-632-1402
In Strength and Health,
Aaron I. Garza

Author : Aaron Garza
Pureline Nutrition Founder
Having retired from the sport in 2004 he decided to use his contacts, knowledge and education to formulate the products you will find on our website (thepureline.com) and at Pureline Nutrition retail stores. In just a few short years Pureline Nutrition has grown into a significant retail presence in Southern Texas with 7 retail locations as well as over 150 + product skews. Pureline also has developed strong world-wide distribution and online sales channels.