It’s Way too HOT to be Carrying Around
Extra Fat! 🥵 🌡️Get Rid of It, Here’s How!

June 22, 2023 |  Aaron Garza

I don’t know about you, but I feel like every Summer is HOTTER than the last. I think the temperature maxed out at about 110 in the San Antonio Hill Country this weekend!

This is Absolutely NUTS!!! 🥵

One thing is for sure, during times like these you certainly don’t want to be carrying around any additional fat.

Thisis the time of the year where you want to cut down on calories and tryto burn off any extra “Baggage” you may be carrying around right? 😅

Here’s the thing though… Most of us want to get more bang for our efforts. I mean nobody wants to put the work in and NOT see results, right? We want to see changes in the mirror daily! 😤

That’s why most of utilize Metabolic Hacking Agents like Thermogenics, Fat Loss Enhancers and Fat Loss Mobilizers.

The problem is that some of those compounds have stimulants and not everyone can use stimulants. In fact, I would say only 1 out of 3 people can tolerate certain forms of caffeine and other natural stimulants.

So, what’s left for those of us who are “Ultra-Sensitive” to stimulants?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

This is where a unique family of products come into play that are called “Stimulant Free Fat Loss Agents!”

Most of these work in ways like their stimulant based cousins.

For example, they all:

  • Increase Metabolism
  • Enhance Fat Loss Mobilization
  • Suppress Appetite
  • Help Improve Your Fat Loss Results
  • Improve Metabolic Health
  • Increase Thermogenesis or Body Heat

Butmost importantly, they don’t cause the Jittery, Shaky, and sometimesuncomfortable feeling that you might get from stimulant based fat lossproducts.

Below are My Top 3 “Stimulant Free” Fat Loss Compounds 💥

Lean FX   This stimulant free fat loss product uses two forms of L-Carnitine to help mobilize fat sothat more can be burned during exercise. This is a “No-Brainer,” usethis before cardio and get better fat loss results, it’s that simple! 🤯

T3 ThyrotropinIf you’ve been around the world of Pureline for any length of timeyou’ll know that this is a key component of how we have helped thousandsof people shed body-fat.

T3is a stimulant free thermogenic that can be used with a stimulant basedproduct like XP2G or on its own to help improve the rate at which thethyroid gland burns calories.This is completely safe and beneficial for the Thyroid Gland. Best of all, it doesn’t have any added stimulants and can be used safely by virtually anyone.

XPPM – XP2G PMisour nighttime version of our best-selling Stim-Based XP2G fat burningformula. This version was developed to be used in conjunction with XP2Gat night before bed. However, we found that many people used it alone atnight before bed without the stimulant based XP2G and saw incrediblefat loss results. This product uses a combination of 2 Amino Acids whichhelp increase natural HGH Levels during sleep. This hormone (which declines with age) is responsible for fat loss, muscle recovery, and overall health.

2 Capsules before bed can be powerful for overall fat loss and metabolic support and again, it is completely stimulant free!

If you find you’re getting more “Sensitive” to stimulants, then any of the three products mentioned above are great choices.

Or…you may be taking a break from stimulants so that you can be moresensitive to their effects the next time you use them, in this case these are awesome alternatives that will help keep the fat coming off!

Questions about how you can lose more fat and build muscle?

Want to talk to a real Human! 🙋‍♀️


Call: 1-800-632-1402

In Strength and Health,

Aaron I. Garza

Author : Aaron Garza

Pureline Nutrition Founder

Having retired from the sport in 2004 he decided to use his contacts, knowledge and education to formulate the products you will find on our website ( and at Pureline Nutrition retail stores. In just a few short years Pureline Nutrition has grown into a significant retail presence in Southern Texas with 7 retail locations as well as over 150 + product skews. Pureline also has developed strong world-wide distribution and online sales channels.