Ever wonder what kind of training and supplement protocol would you have to follow to perform and look as good as Keanu/Mr. Wick at 58 years of age?”
One thing is for sure...You've got to be able to train hard and recover quickly!
That means “Specialized Supplementation” designed for to “Optimize” a man's strength, energy, and recovery! 💊🧪
Get 10% off the John Wick Supplement Protocol with code: WICK10
Mr. Wick would need more than just vitamins. He would need something that included Vitamins, Minerals, Greens, Digestive Enzymes, Phytonutrients and Omega Fatty Acids. He’s also too busy kicking A—to stop and take all these separate so 1 MV3 Packet would fit the bill perfectly for him. He would slam this packet with his morning protein shake and be done for the day.
To recover from the stress of his role, and from dodging bullets all day long, Mr. Wick would need a formula that could be used daily to support muscle recovery, immunity, and wellness. Look, Mr. Wick doesn’t have time to get sick, he’s got far too many “Bad Guys” to beat up... So Glutagen X V2 would be an absolute necessity.
Ok, so Mr. Wick is still kicking butt at 58 but not without a little bit of support from something that will elevate Testosterone Levels. This is where TFactorRx comes into play. Mr. Wick would use 2 capsules of this every afternoon after shooting a few rounds into some punk. This would keep him “In the Game” so to speak and help improve strength, energy, and recovery!

Download your FREE copy of the John Wick Training Program: How To Train Like An Assassin.