Pure Cleanse 8 Day Flush - Add On


Pure Cleanse Highlights

-May Support Reduced Bloating
-May Support Reduced Fatigue
-May Support Optimal Digestion
-Natural and Gentle

Pure Cleanse 8 Day Flush - Add On

The Pure Cleanse 8 Day Flush and Detoxification System was designed to assist in cleansing and detoxification. It includes our Aloe, Nopal and Flax Formula as well as our 30-Day Colon Complex Support formula which may aid the body in cleansing.

We’ve also added Ultradex, (a multivitamin/mineral formula,) so that vital micronutrients are available after they may have been flushed from the body during the detoxification process. This is a complete 30 Day Detox Program and it can be used at least every 3-4 months for optimal health support.

Pure Cleanse Colon Complex has been designed to support the elimination of harmful toxins, chemicals, and pollutants from the body with gentle yet powerful herbs and plant extracts from around the world.

The Pure Cleanse detoxification system may cleanse the body of toxins absorbed through the external environment as well as toxins released by internal organs. Both types of toxins can decrease immunity, increase feelings of sluggishness and cause digestive distress, bloating and disease.

Eating During your Cleanse

During the detoxification process you should be eating 2 small meals and 2 meal replacements shakes per day *each meal should be spread over a 3-4 hour period. **Whey Factor 1 ProPlete is Recommended

Meals during the cleansing period should consist of 100% organic vegetables, lean sources of protein, and moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates.

Try to eliminate dairy, red meat, high sugar juices, and processed foods during the 8 day Flush period.


It is recommended to consume a minimum of 1/2 to a full gallon of spring water daily while detoxing. Hot teas and all natural vegetable juices are also recommended.


It is recommended that you do 30-45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily while using the Pure Cleanse System.


Noticeable results including weight loss, reduced bloating, and increased energy and vitality may be noticeable within the first 3-4 days.

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