The Dry Hard and Dense Size Program
The Dry Hard Dense and Size Program May Support
•Increased Lean Muscle Growth
•Faster Fat Loss
•Enhanced Protein Assimilation
•Size, Volume and Muscle Fullness
•Recovery From Hard Training Sessions

The Dry Hard and Dense Size Program
Primo-Var and Testojet BDS have been combined to create dual pathways which may enhance lean muscle growth and potentiate the fat loss process.
Testojet is our unparalleled Pro-Muscle Building Compound which utilizes 1 and 4 Andro to potentially layer on muscle size and thickness. Its effectiveness speaks for itself, and it has become one of our “Stand-Out” compounds, always producing crazy and radical results.
This cycle has the added compound Primo-Var which may help compliment Testojet and provide faster fat loss and lean muscle accumulation.
The principal ingredient in Primo-Var has been studied intensively by Russian scientists. The ingredients in Primovar may help create a lean and athletic look in both males and females.
The main effect of Primo-Var is increased protein assimilation. This means that the protein you consume will be mostly utilized by muscle tissue for recovery and growth.
This is a simple and effective muscle building and fat loss stack that causes no water retention. It may help you achieve faster physique related goals when used with a solid diet and training program.
For best results follow this cycle with our Post Cycle Therapy Program.